Mingo Falls

I swear, I’m not dead.

To verify my existence, I share “Mingo Falls.”


I don’t know what that crow vomiting flames is all about.

A delightful little side trip, it features an impressive set of stairs and an even more impressive waterfall.  Situated somewhere in Cherokee, North Carolina – I wouldn’t know as I didn’t drive – it’s worth the slight hike.  If you’re up for trekking, and trust yourself in regards to these skills, you can get close enough to touch the falls.  Take a look at my garbage photos.


I have several entries I would like to write for this piece of junk I call a “blog” before I journey into Europe, i.e. my worst impulse purchase – because, oh yes friends, I followed through with that.  After a mental breakdown in my car over not having enough time, I’ve *organized* things, and with it, I’ve designated time for blogging at least twenty minutes a day – which isn’t a lot, but it’s more than I’ve done in a good month.  Pennies make dollars.

So enjoy my burst of productivity.  And *arnold voice* I’ll be back.